Valentine’s Day Cards

Looking for a card for Valentine’s Day? How about a card which is also a playable game?

While there are many cards to chose from, two stand out as great as a romantic gift: Roll & Colour Hearts, and The Frog & The Princess.

Roll & Colour Hearts is a colouring in game. Oh, it’s strategic, relies on good spatial awareness, and it gets a tiny bit vicious at the end! You also end up with a truly unique piece of art. (The possibility of anyone else colouring in exactly the same hearts the same colours is one in a-number-so-large-it-contains-letters. Seriously.) It takes around ten minutes to play, and requires some colouring pencils and four standard dice.

The Frog & The Princess is a race game. Up to four people can play, and it can be replayed multiple times. It comes with two cut-out counters per person — one a frog, and one a princess! Each turn you’ll roll two dice and allocate one to each of your counters. The aim of the game is to get your frog and your princess on the same space, because if they manage to meet (and kiss, obviously) three times then you win the game.

Both cards are A5, and come with an envelope. You’ll need to supply your own dice, pencils, and scissors etc. They cost £2.50 per card, and can be bought from the online shop.

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